Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Heat Seeking Missiles

I wish our LGBTQ indie films show the quieter side, often private lives of those outside the "norm". You know, less of the those exploitation-redemption-poverty-violence porn that have become staples. Very predictable. They don't have to be so loud and over the top dramatic. Just simple, excellent storytelling and insightful films.

It's about time.

Here's one. Nobody gets killed or slapped. Oh, and no sexy scenes by fresh, good looking meat (discoveries from Manila's underbelly) hoping to get a crack at the industry, but who have to pay their dues by baring and taking on risque under the sheets.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sex Advice: Sexercise

"How Many Calories Does Sex Burn?

How many calories do you burn when you make love? I’m thinking if it’s high enough, wouldn’t promiscuity be a better way of getting fit than going to the gym? Besides, I’d love to be able to say, “I’m not a whore; I’m an athlete.” In all seriousness, if I can fuck the fat off, why would I try to try to jog it off?

– Aspiring Slut

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blushing but Brave

"Whoever blushes is already guilty; true innocence is ashamed of nothing." --- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Hey, whatya looking at! Yes, YOU!
Well, well. Caught ya staring. Well?
You like what you see. Hmmm?
It's ok. You can look. =)

The Slab

At the Crossroads

You took flight quietly.
Under the glassy veils,
I was still seeing sandy grits tucked

Between two clasped hands: uneven,
Yet seeking. Not a word or careful phrasings,
Just a crease beside my space.

An open sea quietly filled
With solitary windsong.
Sparrows, meeting only briefly, leaving at crossroads.