Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Amusements: Star Date Log 15-5-2012

Is it easier now? There are a lot more of the anonymous worlds where Narnians and other creatures of the wardrobe can purr and play?

Yes, sometimes we wonder when we wake up if the happy surprise will finally arrive. Will he finally send that stray text or email that will lead to something wonderful. We wish, not too much, but just with a whiff to send us off our day.

We Heart It
We note, wryly and sometimes with a hint of dread, how wicked hope pumps us with anticipation.....

We've had enough false starts to know better and many bated breaths to invest too much..... Enough already. Days that buoy up like helium sheathed in primary colored latex. Days that turn up and then just as easily turn leaden with pins and needles.

We've been out there long and often enough: into the woods, under the blue sun, across the stretch of safe harbor, under the crevices of the social networks and just within the periphery the known universes.

We hope. We hover. We pimp up our selves, profiles and our resumes. We are armed and ready.

For battle?

We don't really know.

We're unsure how to spar now. We've only been armored with deflated egos and wounded hopes. It's been a while since we danced the tango. How goes the dance again? 1, 2, 3 side step? Lunge?

Rules are tenuous now. They are as ambiguous as we are ambivalent with our shy, fractured selves.

But we hope.

We take a step.

We wish.

One right move could lead to the next right right corner. Luck could be there with stems of roses between his fangs. We will be ready. No crucifixes to scare away the menace and lover. Our vessels stored up enough rain to feed his parched veins.


He promises of an eternal dark love without the fierce dawn? Doesn't it mean endless black cloaks to cut-off  mornings; mornings that shine with as yet un-dashed hope; and mornings heavy with the vacuum of those gasping balloons?

Well, I don't have to wake anymore. At least, I have this: to not wake up to dread the happy surprises that will not likely come and visit.

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